Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'll go where You will lead.

Have you ever had that moment in your life where you look around at the people you're with, the place you live, the college you're attending, etc. and know that it is where God has led you?

That is 100%, without a doubt, how I feel about New York City.

All I want to do is praise God for His sweet faithfulness. For seeing my heart and providing.

Psalm 37: 4-5 says,
Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and He will do this.
Thank you Lord for this promise!

I walk around this city and I see the brokenness. Everyone is always rushing somewhere and I want to yell at them and ask, "What is so important? What are you living for?". It breaks my heart that such a tiny percentage of a city this size even know who God is. I suddenly feel very small and useless. But then I realize that I am here because of the hurt I feel when I look into the eyes of the people I pass. God wants me to see them the way He sees them.

Brandon Heath's lyrics to his song, "Give Me Your Eyes" are something I have been clinging to since I arrived in the city and began preparing my heart for this summer.
Give me Your eyes for just one second.
Give me Your eyes so I can see,
Everything that I keep missing.
Give me Your love for humanity.
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted,
The ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten.
Give me Your eyes so I can see.
Even though it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the city - the size, the fast-pace, the amount of lost people, etc. - and to feel like what you're doing isn't making an impact, I have to keep reminding myself that the Lord will keep His Word. I just need to step out and plant that seed. He will do the rest.

I need to humble myself and realize that God could bring every single person in New York City to Him without any of my help, but He CHOSE to use me for His Kingdomwork. He CHOSE me.

That blows my mind! That God loves me enough to bless me with an entire summer of something that is my passion and where I feel called!

I honestly am not homesick at all. I asked Hannah if it was wrong to feel that way. She said that it just shows that I am certain that this is where God wants me at this time in my life. I agree with her wholeheartedly. I miss my family and friends, but just the thought of having to leave in August makes me incredibly sad. I could live here forever.

Knowing this, it has brought some questions into my mind that I will need to pray about and ask God to just bring me clarity over these next few weeks.

I love it here. So much. I walk outside of my apartment in the mornings and I instantly feel invigorated. The people I work with and for are wonderful. I could not be more blessed by my co-workers and boss/pastor for the summer.

I also feel so at home here! I am thankful to have families like the Wyatt's and the Love's who have completely welcomed us interns so warmly. I thank God every night for every single aspect of the summer thus far. It is better than I could have ever imagined it and I have had four years to mull all of these things over and over in my mind. :) It's THAT good.

We are starting to get really busy over here at The Gallery! City Uprising is quickly approaching and we have 125 attendants the first week! SO pumped! CU is where it all started for me, so I am anxiously awaiting the chance to help make it all happen for these young adults we will be working with.

I am so looking forward to how God is going to grow me over the course of these next few weeks. Also, with what He is going to show me. Even though we have just started, I can already tell that this summer is going to be the absolute best of my life. All because of God's faithfulness! I will never forget that.

If you have any questions for me about The Gallery, City Uprising, or any other part of my life here in the wonderfully perfect New York City, you can email me at!

Thank you for your continued prayer and support!

Love you all!

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