Monday, June 4, 2012

Four years in the making.

Hello from the wonderful New York City!

I am finally living in this beautiful city and have kick-started this summer! If you read my first blog post, you probably have noticed that it's no longer on my blog page. That's because I'm a technology genius and I accidentally deleted it. Super. I'm way too lazy to re-write my backstory on my love of New York, but if you are new to the blog, believe me, I LOVE IT.

These past three and a half days have honestly made me love this city even more. (I know I say that a lot, but I'm not lyin'!)

Hannah and I have settled into our cozy Washington Heights apartment, along with our two other roommates (cats), Boris and Rocky. They're pretty cute but they're also nasty. We're managing.

This place is starting to feel more like home after we put up some pictures, bought some groceries, unpacked, and cleaned the mess (literally) out of this apartment. Today I actually called it home for the first time and looked forward to getting back to it because I was exhausted.

The past few days have been pretty busy. The first day we got here, Hannah and I rode in a taxi from the airport to our apartment. And we got lost. The taxi driver dropped us off on the wrong Riverside Drive. But thankfully the Riverside Drive we were looking for was only a street over. Brandon, our awesome leader/fellow intern until July, rescued us and gave us a tour around our apartment building.

Saturday was our day off to do whatever we wanted. Hannah and I decided to spend the day cleaning the apartment from top to bottom to make it feel cozier and then go grocery shopping. Did you know that there is a Target in The Bronx? We didn't either. But it was BEAUTIFUL. Grocery shopping? Check.

Sunday has been my favorite day thus far. Not only because it was my birthday. :) The interns showed up to The Gallery at 8:00 am to set up for the service, which included setting up chairs, setting up Gallery Kid, and folding bulletins. Then we greeted Gallery members! I was the awkward one in the elevator who greeted plus pressed the number 4. But getting to say, "I'm a summer intern for The Gallery" really never got old.

My favorite moment was when Freddy T. (the pastor of The Gallery) had the congregation sing Happy Birthday to me. I already feel so comfortable and at home here. And I really just love this church and the people that attend it so much.

Today was crazy. Hannah and I had a scavenger hunt that The Gallery provided for us interns all over the city. Some of the items on the list were:

  • Take a picture in front of the Flatiron Building
  • Take a picture with a NYPD police officer
  • Take a picture in front of 30 Rock
  • Take a picture from Belvedere Castle in Central Park
  • etc, etc.
It was SO much fun. But exhausting. We walked so much all over this city, but I enjoyed getting to see a ton of the city that I have never seen before. Even though my feet look like potatoes. But my calves look awesome.

I am just really loving it here. Almost to the point where two and a half months doesn't seem long enough!

I'll keep posting on here pretty regularly or when something cool happens (and I'll try not to delete it this time)!

Love yall!

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